2013 Barbara Szal-Porczyńska – painter, publisher

Art without emotions is only a dry copying of reality. Passionless and empty imitation, which does not reveal a specific author’s hand. Through the arts artists want to express them selfs, show they feelings whether in the form of individual lines, the intensity of staining or content presented concrete.
Ambivalent feelings have certainly person looking forward to the work of Łukasz Wodyński, who moves the humane existance, describing in the expressive way lonely, naked figures frozen in poses that suggests despair consuming them (“MONUMENTS”, “HUMAN LIGHT”, “Machinations of Dementia”). By running some processes associated with physicality shown people are frightful, even despite some of them – especially the “EXZISTANCES” faces does not express the pain – on the contrary – they seem to smile. However the characters look like someone stripped them from the skin and thus clearly show the futility of existence and the impermanence matter over which the time is winning. Images inspire concern by the texture and colour. Realisticaly built fat tissue acts cover a variety of colours. Especially attracts attention glaring red colour, which against the bruised skin and dark background wraps dramatic form  of naked bodies, bringing a clear association with the blood, just as the spiritual suffering of these individuals manifested in appearance.
The characters seem to roll the inner struggle between them physicality and psyche.
Painted bodies cause similar feelings of uncertainty and fear, but each fight is conducted in isolation. For example, naked man walking in an attitude of despair, his face buried in his hands ( No. 2 “Machinations of Dementia”, oil on canvas 140 x 70 cm, 2012 ), is associated with the despair of Adam from Masaccio fresco “Expulsion from Paradise” from the Brancacci Chapel in Florence.